WiFi Sniffer


This is an adaptation of the WiFi promiscuous mode demo code from Arduino

See https://www.hackster.io/rayburne/esp8266-mini-sniff-f6b93a

// Notes.h tab in Arduino IDE is only for comments and references!

// based on RandDruid/esp8266-deauth (MIT) https://github.com/RandDruid/esp8266-deauth
// inspired by kripthor/WiFiBeaconJam (no license) https://github.com/kripthor/WiFiBeaconJam
// https://git.schneefux.xyz/schneefux/jimmiejammer/src/master/jimmiejammer.ino
// requires SDK v1.3: install esp8266/Arduino from git and checkout commit 1c5751460b7988041fdc80e0f28a31464cdf97a3
// Modified by M. Ray Burnette for publication as WiFi Sniffer 20161013
   Arduino 1.6.12 on Linux Mint 17.3
    Sketch uses 227,309 bytes (21%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1,044,464 bytes.
    Global variables use 45,196 bytes (55%) of dynamic memory, leaving 36,724 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 81,920 bytes.


  // beacon template
  uint8_t template_beacon[128] = { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
    /*10*/ 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06,
    /*16*/ 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06,
    /*22*/ 0xc0, 0x6c,
    /*24*/ 0x83, 0x51, 0xf7, 0x8f, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    /*32*/ 0x64, 0x00,
    /*34*/ 0x01, 0x04,
    /* SSID */
    /*36*/ 0x00, 0x06, 0x72, 0x72, 0x72, 0x72, 0x72, 0x72, 0x01, 0x08, 0x82, 0x84, 0x8b, 0x96, 0x24, 0x30, 0x48, 0x6c,
    0x03, 0x01,
    /*56*/ 0x04
* /

    /*    Notes:
  Ref: http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=7025
  In the ESP8266WiFi.h, there is the function getNetworkInfo() which I presume allows you to get
  info for hidden AP.

  bool getNetworkInfo(uint8_t networkItem, String &ssid, uint8_t &encryptionType, int32_t &RSSI, uint8_t* &BSSID, int32_t &channel, bool &isHidden);
       loads all infos from a scanned wifi in to the ptr parameters
       @param networkItem uint8_t
       @param ssid  const char*
       @param encryptionType uint8_t
       @param RSSI int32_t
       @param BSSID uint8_t *
       @param channel int32_t
       @param isHidden bool
       @return (true if ok)

    /*    Serial Console Sample Output:
  ESP8266 mini-sniff by Ray Burnette http://www.hackster.io/rayburne/projects
  Type:   /-------MAC------/-----WiFi Access Point SSID-----/  /----MAC---/  Chnl  RSSI
  BEACON: <=============== [                      TardisTime]  1afe34a08bc9    8    -76
  BEACON: <=============== [                     xfinitywifi]  56571a0730c0   11    -90
  BEACON: <=============== [                                ]  52571a0730c0   11    -91
  BEACON: <=============== [                      ATTGH6Gs22]  1005b1d6ff90   11    -95
  BEACON: <=============== [                      ATT4P3G9f8]  1c1448777420   11    -92
  BEACON: <=============== [                       HOME-30C2]  5c571a0730c0   11    -91
  BEACON: <=============== [                      ATT8Q4z656]  b077acc4dfd0   11    -92
  BEACON: <=============== [                       HOME-B1C2]  94877c55b1c0   11    -94
  BEACON: <=============== [                        HUXU2012]  0c54a5d6e480    6    -94
  BEACON: <=============== [                     xfinitywifi]  0c54a5d6e482    6    -97
  BEACON: <=============== [                                ]  0c54a5d6e481    6    -96
  DEVICE: 18fe34fdc2b8 ==> [                      TardisTime]  1afe34a08bc9    8    -79
  DEVICE: 18fe34f977a0 ==> [                      TardisTime]  1afe34a08bc9    8    -94
  DEVICE: 6002b4484f2d ==> [                      ATTGH6Gs22]  0180c2000000   11    -98
  BEACON: <=============== [                   HOME-01FC-2.4]  84002da251d8    6   -100
  DEVICE: 503955d34834 ==> [                      ATT8Q4z656]  01005e7ffffa   11    -87
  BEACON: <=============== [                                ]  84002da251d9    6    -98
  BEACON: <=============== [                     xfinitywifi]  84002da251da    6    -95
  BEACON: <=============== [                                ]  fa8fca34e26c   11    -94
  DEVICE: cc0dec048363 ==> [                      ATT8Q4z656]  01005e7ffffa   11    -88
  BEACON: <=============== [                                ]  fa8fca95bad3   11    -92
  BEACON: <=============== [                       HOME-5475]  58238c3b5475    1    -96
  BEACON: <=============== [                     xfinitywifi]  5a238c3b5477    1    -94
  BEACON: <=============== [                                ]  5a238c3b5476    1    -96
  DEVICE: 1859330bf08e ==> [                      ATT8Q4z656]  01005e7ffffa   11    -92
  BEACON: <=============== [                                ]  92877c55b1c0   11    -92
  DEVICE: f45fd47bd5e0 ==> [                      ATTGH6Gs22]  ffffffffffff   11    -93
  BEACON: <=============== [                           Lynch]  744401480a27   11    -96
  BEACON: <=============== [                     xfinitywifi]  96877c55b1c0   11    -93
  DEVICE: f43e9d006c10 ==> [                     xfinitywifi]  8485066ff726    6    -96
  DEVICE: 285aeb4f16bf ==> [                      ATTGH6Gs22]  3333ffb3c678   11    -94
  DEVICE: 006b9e7fab90 ==> [                      ATTGH6Gs22]  01005e7ffffa   11    -91
  DEVICE: 78456155b9f0 ==> [                           Lynch]  01005e7ffffa   11    -95
  DEVICE: 6cadf84a419d ==> [                       HOME-30C2]  88cb8787697a   11    -89
  BEACON: <=============== [           Verizon-SM-G935V-6526]  a608ea306526   11    -92



SoC support

  • esp8266