Sming (Esp8266)

This Component builds a library containing architecture-specific code, and defines dependencies for Sming to build for the Esp8266.

No-WiFi build


This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature. Not all hardware functions may be available.

If a project does not require WiFi (or networking) then setting the DISABLE_WIFI variable will reduce code size and RAM usage significantly. It does this using an un-official Esp8266 No WiFi Component.

Custom LWIP

LWIP (LightWeight IP) is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite used widely in embedded systems. Sming supports several versions of this, controlled by the ENABLE_CUSTOM_LWIP setting.


Use binary Esp8266 LWIP (Espressif) stack.

1 (default)

Use custom compiled Esp8266 Open LWIP (version 1) stack. Compared with the Espressif stack, this uses less RAM but consumes FLASH (program) memory. All espconn_* functions are turned off by default, so if you require these add the ENABLE_ESPCONN=1 directive. The Basic Smart Config example sets this in its file.


Use Esp8266 LWIP Version 2 stack. This does not have support for espconn_* functions.


By default, some debug information will be printed for critical errors and situations. Set this to 1 to enable printing of all debug information.


Used by

Environment Variables

SoC support

  • esp8266